Saturday, June 21, 2008


Today as usual we had planned going to the Farmers Market and so off we went whne it started to downpour but I say to the kids, "We have your raincoats in the back so lets go have some fun." Of course by the time we got there it was sunny and no need for the coats. We had a plan get some basil plants, strawberries, 3 bunches of asparagus(since it is almost out of season),pea pods, and some of the best Amish bread. We quickly go to the people I know grow locally and get the things we were hunting after but something caught my eye and that was garlic and basil which I couldn't pass up on so I buy what I can with the cash I have left saving $1 so the kids can get some cookies.
When we get home we make freezer jam -yummy and now with the back of my counter lined with freezer jam I am so proud of our accomplishment. Thanks my princess for all your help. The husband in the mean time is destemming spinach for last pureeing party of the spring and we readily take care of that job. The contrast of the strawberry jam and the pureed spinach is wonderful and reminds me of Christmas andthen I am grateful for the knowledge of this work, Iwill have a freezer full of resh yummy goodness when the snow flies and I actually get giddy!
Now I did get garlic and basil at the Market today and for the first time ever I made my own pesto and I will tell you the smell in my house right now is so delicious. It was very easy the prep took a bit of time but with my sweetie and I working together it took no time at all. I love the summer and all the fruits that come from it!

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