Thursday, June 19, 2008

Spinach and Asparagus

I read this book that really opened my eyes and changed my preceptions called Animal Vegetable Miracle by Barbra Kingsolver very insightful into where our food comes from and the costs to us... really. It can be a bit preachy in spots but the idea behind it(eating locally) is like I said insightful. Keeping this book in mind and not going to its extremes but doing what I can to make some changes. With that said I have been going to the Farmers Market twice a week and since in the power outage we lost everything in our freezer it has been a good time to start. With cash in my pocket, recycled bags in hand, and an empty freezer desperate to be filled off I go to the farmers market to see what I can see and what I see the first week was not so much. We walk away with bread from Fat Gander(Tomato Basil my favorite), spinach, green onions(the biggest I have ever seen), and asparugus. That night of course I get my kids to devour the aparagus by pretending they are eating Junior Aparagus from Veggie Tales(depraved I know but it worked). The funny thing is they really did like it. Then off to the spinach... green eggs anyone? I have this great cook book called Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld and it has this great recipe for green eggs and the kids loved it along with the story Green Eggs and Ham by Dr Suess.
With my new found knowledge of how to get the kids to eat these new veggies the next time I go to the Farmers Market I get 6 bunches of asparagus and 5 bags of spinach. I spend the afternoon washing, prepping, blanching, bagging, labeling, wilting, and pureeing with my little jewels and start filling my empty freezer.

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